Rachel S. Moore, President & CEO
Rachel S. Moore is president and CEO of The Music Center, Los Angeles’ premier performing arts center. In that capacity, she leads the $70 million company that manages The Music Center campus and operates and programs Grand Park on behalf of the County of Los Angeles. In total, Moore manages and operates more than $2 billion in county assets.
Executive Team
Howard Sherman
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, TMC Ops.
William Taylor
Senior Vice President, Finance & Chief Financial Officer
Josephine Ramirez
Executive Vice President, TMC Arts
Susan Avila
Senior Vice President, Advancement
Shelby D. Boagni
Senior Vice President, People and Culture
Bonnie Goodman
Senior Vice President, Marketing & Communications
The Music Center stage crew, wardrobe crew and box office staff are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States of America and Canada, AFL-CIO, CKC, Local Numbers 33, 768, and 857, respectively.
The Music Center house managers employed by The Music Center are represented by the Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers.