Why We Come to Work Everyday
Our Vision
The Music Center strives to deepen the cultural life of every resident of Los Angeles County and continue creating an increasingly relevant, multidisciplinary performing arts center.
Our Mission
We champion the arts in Los Angeles for all people. We connect the people of Los Angeles with one another and with art that can enrich their lives. We embrace patrons, visitors and community members from all backgrounds. We provide exceptional service to our resident companies and to all who present or experience the arts at The Music Center, and we faithfully steward the campus entrusted to us by the County of Los Angeles.
The Values We Live By
Creativity & Innovation
We believe creativity is at the core of our shared humanity, and we are committed to celebrating and nurturing this creativity in everything we do. We support the creativity of our artists, working with them to craft powerful artistic encounters that engage people, and we ignite the creativity of the public, providing opportunities for people to be active, inventive participants. We encourage all Music Center employees to bring creativity and innovation to their work as they develop effective responses to the opportunities and challenges we face. We also encourage all staff members to embrace and appreciate the potential of the arts experiences we make possible.
We believe the arts play a critical role in deepening a sense of common purpose that is core to a strong community. We also believe the arts build compassionate, engaged citizens, essential for a healthy civil society and a thriving democracy. We are deeply enriched and informed by the many cultural narratives that shape where we live and work. As such, we seek to provide arts experiences as vibrant, independent and diverse as the people of Los Angeles and to celebrate these creations at our downtown campus and in the many communities around the county. We aspire to have all the employees of The Music Center become a community as well, united in our common purpose of serving our resident companies and the people of Los Angeles County. We support our staff members by respecting their needs and interests as human beings first, employees second.
Transformative art is a collaborative endeavor. We create together. We serve artists by helping to bring their visions to fruition; we serve the people of Los Angeles County by helping them engage in these artistic experiences; and we support our colleagues, including the resident companies, our lease clients and TMC Arts by providing innovative, effective support from TMC Ops, along with the Business Resources team, e.g., the Marketing and Communications, IT, HR, Finance and Advancement teams. As a workplace, we are at our best when we collaborate generously and respectfully across all departments and disciplines, mentoring and supporting one another and putting all our talents to work for all Music Center stakeholders.
A Moral Center
We work from a moral center, guided by our commitment to fairness and honesty, and the importance of treating everyone as moral equals. As Music Center employees, we strive to treat all employees fairly, regardless of their position, and with the same respect and care that we extend to those who come here as visitors, audiences, participants and creators. We make The Music Center a welcoming place for all the people of Los Angeles County and the world.